Genre: Nonfiction/Self Help
Ratings: 3.5/5 Stars
“Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficulties we all face.”
The title of the book caught my attention so I decided to read it. Even though I enjoy mystery and thriller a lot I also love motivational books a lot as well. Motivational books are kind of books that keep me going in life. They help me to look forward to a future filled with a joyous and hopeful heart.
I did not expect the book to be as short a read as it turned out to be. It seemed to me like it must be long because it is a motivational book. I had an impression that motivational books are generally long as they illustrate how one can be a better person but I was wrong. Even though it was a short read I enjoyed the book but not as much as I had hoped for initially.
The book mainly consists of compilations of short stories about how one can bounce back from difficulties, how one can be a positive thinker, how to have control over one’s own mind, how to control breath in every situation and even how success of others affects our success. The book also consists of different quotes related to the topics which the author explains individually. In a nut shell the book basically explains the things we should look into especially if we want to be a resilient individual or to be a better person as a whole.
The author is concise in explaining every topic. She gives examples to further help picture out what she is really trying to convey.
Here are some examples of the passages in the book.
What I like about the book:
- Concise.
- Cover is aesthetic.
- The artworks are really cute and crafty.
- The quotes are precise, connecting to the topics explained.
What I don’t like about the book:
- The explanation of topics is too short.
- Even though thoughts and meanings are present but I believe the topics need a deeper explanation in order for the audience to thoroughly understand it.
Overall, it was an above average read. If you like short reads then this book is recommended for you!